Tourism objects

Services offered
Saunas Tents places Premises for conferences Crafts Cultural-historical objects Public Internet access Places to have a meal Museums Nature specimens Overnight accommodations at the countryside Overnight accommodations in the towns Recreation near the water Horse ridings Active rest SPA
Object: Type
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Nature specimens
Svente parish, Daugavpils region, GPS 55.897369, 26.366053, Daugavpils nov. +371 22034430, +371 20382060
Nature specimens
Eglites, Naujene parish, Daugavpils nov. +371 20 269 999
The JuRita Mini Zoo is a great place for families where you can get acquainted with different animals. It is possible to contact with animals. Guests may purchase special items from the Zoo to feed animals. Here you can meet alpacas, lamas, kangaroos, camel, dwarf sheep and goats, ponies, donkeys, horses, rabbits and other animals.
Tents places Nature specimens
„Lielbornes muiža“, Lielborne, Saliena parish, Daugavpils nov. +37129284480
Nature specimens Recreation near the water
Slutiski, Naujene parish, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65422818
Cultural-historical objects Nature specimens
Riebiņu nov., LV-5329
Phone: +371 27533033,
Nature specimens
Lazdukalni, Vecsaliena parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 654 76748
Saunas Tents places Premises for conferences Public Internet access Nature specimens Overnight accommodations at the countryside Recreation near the water
Guteņi, Aglonas novads, LV 5304 371 29234425; +371 28350601
Acquaintance with characters of fairytales. Poetic excursion and staging of families children "Sapņi pie dabas". Herbal plants, observation of birds and animals. There are all the sorts of berries, which grows in Latvia.
Tents places Nature specimens Recreation near the water Active rest
Kivti, Zvirgzdenes pagasts, Ciblas nov., LV 5752 371 29123749
Cirmas lake is one of the cleanest and one of the most suitable for rest lakes.
Tents places Nature specimens Active rest
Logini, Šķilbēnu pagasts, Viļakas nov., LV 4587
Phone: + 371 645 21243,. +371 29132664
Three dendrological nature trails, which ends at "sunken church". Landscape place with specific relief. Useful place for events and camps in the open air. In winter is possibility for distance skiing.
Nature specimens Active rest
Robežnieki (z/s "Akati"), Robežnieku parish, Krāslava Municipality, Krāslavas nov., LV-5666 +371 26157690
Excursion in a zoo. You can see peacocks, pheasants, turkeys, African black ostriches, Australian emu, as well as piglets, cows, rabbits, sheep, goats, and other domestic animals. Places for tents on a silent shore of a lake surrounded by forest. Announce your visit in advance.
Nature specimens Active rest
Katleši, Žīguru pagasts, Viļakas nov., LV-4584
Phone: + 371 645 63723. + 371 26567080
Rout of ecotourism. Exotic species of plants and trees, underground springs, secular trees.
Nature specimens
Malnava, Malnavas pagasts, Kārsavas nov., LV 5750
Phone: 371 657 33100. 371 29327265
Malnavas estate park with 57 exotic species of trees
Nature specimens
Rugāju pagasts, Rugāju nov., LV-4570
Phone: + 371 29104212
On the flood-lands fields of river Padedze and its surroundings (180 ha) are reared about 70 deers. On the territory of deers garden are built 15 towers for observation of graceful animals of wood.
Nature specimens Active rest
Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 65622201
One of the highest observation towers in Latvia (32 m), from which a beautiful sight to Daugava can be viewed.
Nature specimens Active rest
Kalnaji, Svente parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov., LV-5473 +371 22034430, +371 20382060
It is the highest top in Daugavpils region, relative height is 42, 5 m. There is prospect tower, from which is very beautiful view on Daugavpils region and Lithuania.
Nature specimens
Buksti, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65422818, +371 65471321
Nature specimens
Bebrene, Bebrenes pagasts, Ilūkstes novads, Daugavpils rajons, Ilūkstes nov., LV-5439
Phone: +371 65407909. +371 26109353, 20219770
Nature specimens
Augusta Street 12, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 656 22201
Stone is 2.8 m long, and high - 0.7 m. There is the coat of arms of counts Platers family and years number 1729 on the stone sides. Count Platers bought Kraslavas estate in this year and Kraslava got rights of the small village. From the legend comes, that in 1729. in Kraslava came king August the Strong from Poland to hunt, who was sitiing on this stone, therefore stone has its name.
Nature specimens
Augusta Street, near Karņicka monument, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov.
From there a beautiful nature look to the river Daugava can be viewed. In 1909 by this secular stone Latvian writer Antons Austriņš was creating his works.
Nature specimens
Dagda, Dagdas novads, Dagdas nov., LV 5674
Phone: +371 25727379
It is naturally formed cave in artificially made catacomb.
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2007 Latgale Region Development Agency